Rabu, 06 Maret 2013

Examples of Student Report Progress

Towards end of academic year or term, most of teachers are getting confused to write comments for their students progress. The teacher feel worried in arranging or composing words to explain their students progress and sometimes this process will take for a long times. here are some comments which can be useful for teachers as reference for their students report. 

Teacher Comments on Report Cards

 1. Is developing a better attitude toward ___ grade.
2. Is showing interest and enthusiasm for study.
3. Wants responsibilities and follows through.
4. Enthusiastic about participating. Gaining more self-confidence.
5. Has earned a very fine report card. Has been consistently progressing.
6. Has shown a good attitude about trying to improve in ___.
7. Is willing to take part in all classroom activities.
8. _____'s attitude toward school is excellent. Is hard-working.
9. Needs to increase speed and comprehension in reading.
10. Making steady progress academically. Is maintaining grade-level achievements.
11. Performs well everything he undertakes. Has a good attitude towards school
12. Rate of achievement makes it difficult for ___ to keep up with the class.
13. _______ shows self-confidence in writing. However, handwriting needs to be improved.
14. Cooperative, well mannered. Capable of achieving a higher average in ____.
15. Is inconsistent in his efforts, especially in ___.
16. Sacrificing accuracy for unnecessary speed in his written work.
17. Would improve if he developed a greater interest in ___.
18. Comprehends well, but needs to work more quickly.
19. Enjoys doing neat careful work. Is working well in all subjects
20. Is friendly and cooperative Has a sense of humor
21. Lacks independence / Is gaining independence
22. Is becoming more self-reliant. Is an attentive student
23. Is a polite conscientious pupil. Is especially good at ______
24. Requires too much supervision. Makes little effort when not under direct supervision
25. Is not very appreciative of the value of ( time, courtesy, sharing, neatness, accuracy)
26. _____ has matured nicely this year, academically and socially.
27. There has been a noticeable improvement in _____'s study habits this reporting period, which is very encouraging.
28. _____________ continued to blossom as the year progressed.
29. She is capable of much better work. Possesses good self discipline
30. _________has made nice progress this reporting period.
31. ___________ is a wonderful girl and I'm happy to have had her in my class.
32. She has made many fine contributions to the class and is an inspiration to her classmates.
33. With ____'s friendly, cooperative attitude, she will always be a pleasant addition to any class.
34. His friendly, sincere way has made him a very popular member of the ___ grade.
35. Regardless of how busy _________ is, he still has time to do something nice for someone. For this reason, he is one of the best-liked members of my class.
36. _____________ is a pleasant, conscientious student.
37. He is self-confident and has excellent manners.
38. She assumes responsibility well, (excels on the playground) and is well liked by her peers.
39. Experiences difficulty following directions-when unsure needs to ask for questions
40. Needs to actively participate in classroom discussion
41. Needs to pay attention in class. Does not put enough time into assignment
42. Bill excels in science. He needs more opportunities to develop his friendship skills.
43. Leslie is friendly and well-liked. She would benefit from practicing her reading fluency and comprehension skills.
44. _______ speaks very well in front of the class. However, her written work needs much improvement. With greater effort, the improvement should slowly come.
45. Although _______ is trying very hard, she is having difficulty writing smooth, fluent sentences.
46. Needs to participate in more independent reading.
47. __ needs to take his/her time and think about what he/she reads.
48. __'s writing has a refreshing sense of voice, clarity, and style.
49. answers well in class, and shows great interest and enthusiasm when discussing and offering opinions!
50. has a tendency to be quiet during discussions, and prefers to listen to others' opinions and comments.
51. All of _______'s basic skills are at grade level, but he is not working to the best of his ability.
52. _______'s school work has shown improvement over the past quarter.
53. _______ is a polite and alert _____ grader. Because he is a quiet boy, he needs to be encouraged to participate in class.
54. ______ has earned a very fine report card. _______ is maintaining grade-level expectations.
55. ____ does not put enough time into the assignments.____ needs to spend more time on assigned tasks.
56. It is possible for _______ to exceed grade expectations.
57. ______ is making progress in all academic areas. She is having some difficulty with ______, but if she continues to work hard she will see improvement soon.
58. ______ volunteers frequently and makes wonderful contributions to class. She does tend to work too quickly, which results in many careless errors.
59. ______'s excellent attitude is reflected in the work she does.
60. I am concerned about ______'s progress this year. She has shown some improvement but her growth is not where it should be at this point in the school year.
61. _______'s work is below grade standards. I am sure with that more effort and concentration he will show rapid improvement.
62. ______'s low rate of achievement makes it difficult for her to keep up with the class.
63. He/she has been cutting class and roaming around the campus. This behavior is unacceptable and could result in suspension or expulsion.
64. Many teachers have reported that he/she has been extremely disruptive in their classes. Not only is this a sign of immaturity, it is also a show of defiance and disrespect. He/she needs to improve or face administrative disciplinary action.
65. He/she is a model student and I am so glad that he/she is in my class!
66. He/she is an asset to the school and a perfect ambassador for the incoming freshman. Keep up the good work!
67. She is a budding poet. I find her work very interesting and mature beyond her years.

Great Report Card Comments

1. _____ is showing enthusiasm in his work.

2. _____ is using his free time constructively.

3. _____ uses her time wisely.

4. _____ has progressed wonderfully.

5. _____ is showing signs of leadership in the classroom.

6. _____ has great potential in _____.

7. _____ is a good citizen.

8. _____ is working to his full capacity.

9. _____ needs to improve skills in _____.
10. _____ needs to pay more attention.

11. _____ is working diligently on his _____.

12. _____ is learning to be a better listener.

13. _____ participates very well in class.

14. _____ is showing signs of independence.

15. _____ is still struggling with _____.

16. _____ wants responsibilities and follows through.

17. _____ has a better attitude.

18. _____ is a hard worker.

19. _____ has a winning personality.

20. _____ follows directions well.

21. _____ is steadily improving in _____.

22. _____ is following suggests to improve in _____.

23. _____ is eager to improve in ______.

24. _____ is cooperative in class.

25. _____ likes to volunteer in class activities.

26. _____ should be proud of his report card.

27. _____ is great at encouraging other students.

28. _____ works well with classmates.

29. _____ needs to improve her attention span.

30. _____ learns new spelling words quickly.

31. _____ has shown strength in _____.

32. _____ is a conscientious worker.

33. _____ has contributed to many class discussions.

34. _____ is anxious to please.

35. _____ has been disrupting the class lately.

36. _____ needs improvement in reading comprehension.

37. _____ is applying skills to all of his work.

38. _____ gets along well with her classmates.

39. _____ is cooperative.

40. I appreciate _____'s cooperation in class.

41. _____ is showing steady progress in overall academics.

42. _____'s quality of work is improving.

43. _____ is showing a desire to do better in _____.

44. _____'s grade level achievements are well maintained.

45. _____ is working well independently.

46. _____ acts responsibly in class.

47. _____ needs to work on his talking in class.

48. _____ is full of enthusiasm when it comes to _____.

49. _____'s sense of humor is enjoyable.

50. _____ has a stupendous attitude.

51. _____ does not work well with large group discussions.

52. _____ is not participating as I would've hoped.

53. _____ is able to grasp new concepts readily.

54. _____ may exceed _____ grade expectations.

55. _____ needs to develop a greater sense of responsibility.

56. _____ is quite mature in class.

57. _____ tries very hard in everything he does.

58. _____ has strong work habits in all areas.

59. _____ puts ideas in his head onto paper very well.

60. _____ is excelling in _____.

61. _____ demonstrates good reading habits.

62. _____ stays well organized in class.

63. _____ is able to organize her thoughts very well.

64. _____ seems to have extensive knowledge in _____.

65. _____ is struggling to keep up with homework assignments.

66. _____ needs to improve his work habits.

67. _____ is well mannered and respectful to me and other students.

68. _____ has adjusted to _____ very well.

69. _____ is capable of achieving higher than average in _____.

70. _____'s attitude makes it hard for her to get along with other classmates.

71. _____ is consistent in his efforts.

72. _____'s accuracy is failing because of unnecessary speed in written work.

73. _____ has a hard time following directions.

74. _____ consistently fails to finish independent assignments in _____.

75. _____ has the ability to comprehend, but needs to work more quickly.

76. _____ enjoys _____.

77. _____ listens carefully.

78. _____ is reading at a grade ____ level.

79. _____ has mastered _____.

80. _____ is very interested in reading.
81. _____ speaks clearly.

82. _____ is muffling words, making it hard to understand him.

83. _____ has confidence in her work.

84. _____ is able to speak effectively before the class.

85. _____ shares with others in the class.

86. _____ has a good understanding of vocabulary words, and is able to use them correctly.

87. _____ has a good attitude towards school.

88. _____'s work level is below average in _____.

89. _____ is easily distracted.

90. _____ turns in neat work that is done accurately.

91. _____ is not completing assignments in the allotment of time given.

92. _____ is especially good at _____.

93. _____ requires more supervision than expected at this grade level.

94. _____ needs encouragement to do things on her own.

95. _____ often completes assignments early.

96. _____ takes pride in his work.

97. _____ needs to concentrate better.

98. _____ cares about the other students in her class.

99. _____ does not work well without direct supervision

100. _____ is often tired during school hours

Examples of Statements Concerning a Student’s Strengths

·         Has an expansive knowledge of ...
·         Enthusiastically participates in ...
·         Demonstrates superior work in ...
·         Comprehends quickly
·         Takes pride in his/her work
·         Demonstrates initiative
·         Listens and follows directions well
·         Asks for responsibilities and follows through

·         Expresses ideas clearly  Writes fascinating stories
·         Exhibits organizational skills
·         Does neat, thorough work
·         Seeks information independently
·         Enjoys dramatization
·         Uses English correctly
·         Has a delightful sense of humor
·         Is well-liked by peers
·         Demonstrates leadership skills

 Examples of Encouraging Comments (to use when a student is making progress)

v  Has developed a positive attitude toward ...
v  Has advanced in ...
v  Has demonstrated a desire to ...
v  Has shown steady progress in ...
v  Has shown noticeable improvement in ...
v  Has demonstrated increased social skills, such as ...
v  Is showing enthusiasm for ...
v  Is gaining academic skills, such as ...
v  Is developing consistent work habits, such as ...                
v  Is becoming self-reliant.
v  Is developing concentration skills
v  Is gaining self-confidence
v  Is becoming a good listener
v  Is occupying his/her time constructively
v  Is learning English speaking and/or writing skills
v  Is developing more positive ways to interact with others
v  Is learning to be cooperative when working in groups

Examples To Use When Concerns Are Evident and  A Student Is in Need of Assistance

*      Needs help to increase academic skills, such as ...

*      Demonstrates a need for consistent effort and motivation, especially in ...
*      Requires help with organizational skills, such as ...
*      Could benefit from ...
*      Needs to be encouraged to comply with school rules, such as ...
*      Demonstrates a need for improved social interaction skills, such as ...
*      Could benefit from improving his/her work habits, such as ...
*      Needs to be encouraged to listen and pay attention in class
*      Needs help to understand instructions
*      Requires repetition to retain information
*      Needs encouragement to do work on his/her own
*      Demonstrates a need for direct supervision to complete work
*      Needs to be encouraged to work more slowly and accurately
*      Would benefit from supervision of homework
*      Requires support to interact with classmates in a positive way
*      Would benefit from learning self-control skills
*      Needs to be encouraged to accept responsibility for his/her errors and/or misbehavior
*      Needs to demonstrate improvement in academic work if he/she is to gain the fundamentals needed for this grade


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